If you or anyone you know :
- Is feeling constantly tired and doesn’t feel rested after a night’s sleep
- Finds it hard to concentrate
- Grinds their teeth or clenches their jaw more than necessary
- Has energy highs or lows throughout the day
- Has unexplained and non-specific stomach symptoms and diarrhoea
- Has chronic fatigue or depression
You or they may be suffering from adrenal fatigue; a syndrome associated with intense or prolonged stress. You can check if this is the case by doing this simple test:
– In a darkened room, sit in a chair in front of a mirror.
– Holding a torch at the side of your head, shine it across one eye (not into the eye). Watch what happens in the mirror.
– You should see your pupil (the dark middle of the eye) contract immediately after the light hits the eye. The pupil will normally stay contracted, but if you have adrenal fatigue, it won’t be able to hold its contraction and will dilate (go back to normal).

Photo Credit: Yug_and_her via Compfight cc
If you think that you have adrenal fatigue or any other type of stress, then come and book an appointment with one of the Ashlins kinesiologists.  They will be able to quickly confirm this, and work out what emotional, energetic, nutritional or structural changes you need to deal with your stress and anything else that may be holding you back from good health.
We recommend you speak to your GP about any health concerns so that you get an accurate diagnosis and access to appropriate treatment.