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Back Pain

Back pain is a very common complaint and can be extremely debilitating. Thankfully many cases of back pain are not serious in nature and can be resolved with exercise, manual therapy and other conservative care.

It is best to get a qualified therapist to examine you and work out what is causing your back pain. They can then advise you on the best course of treatment.

Potentially beneficial therapies:

Book your appointment by phoning 020 8520 5268 or online at ashlins.co.uk/olb


What the therapists say:

Firstly, keep moving as much as you can. This will help keep your muscles supple and promotes the release on endorphins, which are a natural pain killer.

Secondly, use heat or cold packs to reduce pain. Cold packs are best in the first 48 hours after an injury. After that either heat or cold would be effective.

Thirdly, get a professional opinion if it doesn’t improve after a few days. Speak to your GP or see a registered Osteopath, Chiropractor or Physiotherapist.

Sarah, Osteopath
Self Care & Advice for Back Pain: