Have you heard of this fantastic massage technique?
Soft tissue release (STR) targets tension and shortening in your muscles.
What is Soft Tissue Release (STR)?
Your therapist will apply pressure to specific points in your muscles, while simultaneously stretching the area.
STR can be performed quickly or slowly, and can use medium or deep pressure.
This technique is frequently used on the forearms and calf muscles but can be applied throughout the body.
How can Soft Tissue Release help me?
Soft Tissue Release will leave you feeling stretched and free of tension. Great for overworked, tired arms and legs. Perfect for runners, racquet sports and gardeners!
How can I try Soft Tissue Release in Walthamstow?
All of our massage therapists can incorporate STR in a deep tissue massage.
Book your deep tissue massage now and ask your therapist to use STR. Feel the difference for yourself!