If you suffer with neck or back pain, did you realise it could be due to your bag?  Our osteopath,  Sarah, is here to explain all.


Lugging heavy bags to and from work each day takes its toll on your body and can lead to aching shoulders, sore backs, stiff necks and headaches.   Don’t let it happen to you!   Follow my tips and you’ll be feeling fine in no time.


Keep weight and bulk to a minimum.

Carrying large bags is bad for your back!

Bags of this size make your back sad.

Empty your bag and take a good, critical look at what’s inside.   Do you really need a huge bottle of water for your 30 minute commute?  Do you have to take your laptop home?  Could you do without 5 pens, 2 diaries, a notepad and a huge make up bag?  Can you leave any of it at work?

Cut out all the unnecessary items and find smaller, lighter versions of the essentials.  A smaller bag removes the temptation to carry lots around.


– Keep the straps short.


Keep the weight of your bags as close to your body as possible.  This keeps it near to your centre of gravity and makes everything much easier to carry.


So try to put your hand bag on your shoulder instead of on your elbow or in your hand.  Messenger style bags should go across your body and rest as high as is comfortable.   Back packs should be worn on both shoulders and again, as close to your back as possible.  Don’t leave the straps really long so the bag rests against your bum rather than your back – that just pulls you backwards and adds strain to your joints.


– Spread the weight across both shoulders

Carry your backpack on both shoulders

Image from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Either swap sides regularly, use two bags (one on each side), or use a backpack.  For really heavy loads you may find a trolley is easier – I know a lot of teachers who transport their marking that way.


If you’re suffering with back or neck pain Osteopathy could help you.  Discuss your options with a free 15 minute consultation with Sarah or Dermott by calling 020 8250 5268.