How often you choose to have a massage is largely down to personal preference and what you hope to achieve from treatment.

If you’re seeking massage for a particular reason, such as helping with muscle stiffness or recovering from injury, you may need weekly sessions at first. You may then reduce to fortnightly and monthly sessions as you get better.

For general wellbeing you may wish to have a monthly massage or to come in every 3-4 months.

Massage makes a fantastic treat – a great way to enjoy your birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. Many of us use massage as an infrequent pampering session.

Here at Ashlins in Walthamstow massage is available 7 days a week including evenings. Our experienced and professional therapists are here to help you feel relax and soothed. Your therapist will give you personalised advice on your treatment.

Can I have a massage every day?

Yes you can have a massage everyday. Generally we would advise leaving 2 days between treatments. However, if you are familiar with massage and your therapist, you could have daily treatment.

How long should I leave between massages?

Most people will start with weekly massages. We recommend leaving at least 2 days between massages.

Is it OK to get 2 massages in a week?

You can have 2 or even 3 massages a week. We suggest leaving a few days between massages if possible.

‌Located in the heart of Walthamstow, our massage clinic is open every day including evenings.

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