Meet the Team: Q&A with Farrukh, Craniosacral Therapist

Name: Farrukh Akhtar What therapies do you offer? Craniosacral Therapy; Scenar Therapy for pain relief. When and where did you train? I trained at the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust, London Why did you decide to become a Craniosacral Therapist? I have been...

Meet the Team: Q&A with Sylwia, Massage Therapist

Get to know our super popular sports massage therapist, Sylwia, a little better. Name: Sylwia Lekan   What therapies do you offer? I offer Sports Injury and Sports Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Thai Foot Massage. I...

Meet the Team: Q&A with Isabelle, Kinesiologist

Have you ever tried Kinesiology? Find out more about the therapy and our Kinesiologist Isabelle in this month’s interview. Name: Isabelle Cooke  What therapies do you offer? I offer Systematic Kinesiology, a natural healthcare system which uses gentle muscle...

Meet the Ashlins Team: Q&A with Delene, Massage Therapist

In the latest in our Meet the Team series we are getting to know Delene Gordon. Name: Delene Gordon What therapies do you offer? I’m a Massage therapist who offers Sports massage, deep tissue, Aromatherapy, reflexology and Indian head massage. I love working...

Meet the Ashlins Team: Q&A with Paul, McTimoney Chiropractor

In the latest in our Meet the Team series we are getting to know Paul Tibbitts.  Paul is one of our Chiropractors and is at Ashlins every Thursday. Name: Paul Tibbitts What therapies do you offer? I am a McTimoney Chiropractor. I am also qualified in Sports Massage...